Thursday, August 24, 2017

Day 19 - Columbia, MO to Greenwood, IN

My decision to use US route 36 today was a good one.  Far fewer trucks and a much more pleasant ride.  Greenwood, IN is just south of Indianapolis, and just a short 100 mile ride to the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens tomorrow morning.

I didn't really have anything planned for today, but I did make a short stop in Hannibal, MO this morning to find some coffee.  I had been there a few years ago with dad and Ellen and it's a cute little town, all Mark Twain-themed and right on the Mississippi River.  I did not look around like we did last time, but here's a view of what the main street looks like.
From there, I followed US 36 and I-72 to Springfield, IL, one of the places that lays claim to Abraham Lincoln.  (Indiana does too, but he was actually born in Kentucky, moved to Indiana, and then to Illinois.)  Springfield is the home of Lincoln's presidential library and one of his homes, and it's where he was ultimately laid to rest.  I chose to visit his tomb in Oak Ridge Cemetery, where there is an impressive monument to honor the 16th president.  The monument is a 116 foot tall obelisk surrounded on the 4 corners by bronze sculptures representing the 4 branches of military service in the Civil War.  Inside the base of the monument are the actual tombs of Lincoln, his wife, and three of their four sons.  The fourth is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.  Throughout the vault are replicas of sculptures of Lincoln and plaques of his Gettysburg Address and parts of his inaugural speeches.  Also on display is a piece of Lincoln's original sarcophagus, which was inscribed with the phrase "With malice towards none, with charity for all" from his second inaugural address.  Funny how those words are still so fitting today.

From Springfield, I went on through Decatur and then a bunch of small towns, including Montezuma, IN (?) before hitting the Indianapolis beltway.  Even though I was on the beltway between 5 and 6pm, it wasn't bad at all, traffic-wise.  Nothing compared to 695 around Baltimore or 495 around DC!  Today should have been my first day back at school, and I have to say, I'm a little sorry I wasn't there.  I am definitely ready to be home.  Just 2 more days of riding left...

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