Thursday, June 18, 2009

Looks like rain

It's amazing how much stuff you can pack in a relatively small bag, compared to what I would probably take in a full sized suitcase! Almost completely packed now, but the weather forecast has darkened a bit for Saturday, at least. The 10-day forecast for the rest of next week still looks good, but I might be in for some thunderstorms on the way to Pittsburgh on Saturday. Best to get up early and get on the road right away - hopefully I won't be stuck sitting under an overpass somewhere waiting for the rain to slow down!


  1. Nothing quite like toes that look like raisins - huh! Can't wait until you can get your feet into some dry sockies tonight, I bet.

  2. WoW!!!!

    I'm so very thrilled for you. Maybe I should think about a special way to ring in my 50th (in 5 long years)

    Good luck & Happy Trails
