Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 2 - Sharon, PA to Yorkville, IL

Better late than never! I left Sharon at 7am Sunday morning - after 2 cups of great coffee (Thanks, Barb!) - and made a beeline for Cleveland and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Temperatures were cool and traffic was really light, which made for a very pleasant morning ride. Of course, the Hall of Fame didn't open until 10am, which was too late for me to wait, so I just wandered around the outside, taking in Lake Erie and the Cleveland Browns stadium next door. When I got back to my bike, there was a couple looking it over - Don and Pat from south of Buffalo. Seems she just got an 1100 like mine and was looking at the travel bags, since her husband has a Goldwing. Nice people!

To save some time I jumped on the Ohio turnpike and took it all the way across the state and into Indiana. Once I got into the Hoosier state, I left the toll road and turned north into Sturgis, Michigan and took the historic, heritage route west across the state to Niles, Michigan and then south to South Bend, Indiana. There was a nice little arts festival going on downtown so I stopped to stretch and get something to drink and walked around, taking in the watercolors, photography, sculpture, and wood furniture. Nice, but nothing compared to Arts Fest in State College! I guess Penn State was on my mind (fondly) as I rode through the campus of Notre Dame because I wasn't really all that impressed. I mean, it was nice and all, but I don't think it can compare with University Park. But then again, I just a little biased! Got a picture of the football stadium and of Touchdown Jesus and then jumped back on the Indiana/Illinois toll road (I-80 and I-90) for the last push to Yorkville, IL and Ronn and Tim's house. Traffic was very heavy, which reminded me why I don't like to take the interstates if I can help it. Ronn and Tim's new house is gorgeous, and their two dogs, Phantom and Remington, are a riot. It was great to see them after almost a year and a half, and we spent many hours catching up and looking at photos. It was quite a long day, 478 miles long, and I had NO trouble sleeping, even through the thunderstorm that rolled through over night! Tomorrow, on to Iowa and Wisconsin!

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