Saturday, June 25, 2016

3 days to go...

Margo is finally done with work and it's time to pack!  We are trying really hard to pack lightly so we don't have to haul much luggage - good thing we can wear each others clothes!  I checked the weather forecasts for all of out destinations, and of course, they can't all be in the same temperature range...that would be too easy.  Reykjavik has been in the mid-40's to mid 50's with some rain, London has been in the range of mid-50's to low 70's, and Paris has been low 70's to mid 80's.  We asked Kelli, our friend in London, what we should wear/avoid in order to not look like tourists and she told us our options were to burn our wardrobes or embrace our tourist status - they're going to know we're tourists anyway.  So we're going with lightweight tops, convertible hiking pants, and good walking shoes, plus some running clothes for a 10K in Regent's Park with Kelli (assuming the UK doesn't fall into the ocean because of the recent Brexit referendum) and hopefully a few miles along the Seine.  Now let's see how many bags we can stuff everything into...

1 comment:

  1. Yay! On your way 🤗😎. Too funny, Kelli sounds like a hoot. Fun has started!
