Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 21 - Home, Sweet Home

Sorry, no pictures to share today. I got an early start so I could get to Shenandoah National Park in order to see all of Skyline Drive before heading home, but unfortunately it was far too foggy today to attempt a 105-mile ride along the top of a mountain ridge. So I continued north to Winchester, VA, keeping watch for a clearing of the fog at the tops of the mountains - never happened. Oh well, just a good excuse to come back again for another try. This was the first day in the whole trip that I felt really tired while I was riding, so I was really happy to reach I-70, Frederick, and finally, home. After 5,325 miles and 24 states in 21 days, it's a wonderful feeling to walk back into your house and be in familiar surroundings with loved ones. Thanks for following along!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Home!!!!

    Thanks so much for taking us with you, through this blog.
    You're my Shero!!

    Much love, pammer
