Saturday, July 10, 2021

Great Western RV National Parks Tour - Day 12 - Moab, UT to Fruita, CO via Colorado National Monument

 Day 12:

We're winding down our trip, heading back into Colorado today.  We slept in until 8:30 this morning and at breakfast in town - I had green eggs and ham!  They were scrambled eggs with spinach, pesto, and feta; the ham was not green - lol.  We took the scenic route along the Colorado River towards Cisco and then picked up I-70 from there.  It was very hazy today with not much visibility compared to the rest of the trip.  There wasn't much to see on the 2 hour drive, until we got to Fruita, about 10 miles west of Grand Junction.  The Colorado National Monument was established in 1911 to preserve 32 square miles of plateau and canyon country with even more naturally sculpted rock formations.  The main road through the monument took us along 23 miles of scenic views of the canyons and valleys below.  We even had to drive that big RV through two small tunnels blasted through the rock.  Our stops included Balanced Rock, Independence Monument, Monument canyon, Artists Point, Ute canyon, Fallen Rock, Cold Shivers Point (where Margo insisted on taking mom's picture next to the sign, since she's been so sensitive to the heat), and Devil's Kitchen.  Once out of the monument, we drove the 10 miles back to Fruita to the James M. Robb Colorado River state park to camp for the night, with an extra stop at Dairy Queen to cool off a little with some ice cream.  Tomorrow it will be up and over the Rockies and back to Broomfield, with a few stops possible in the mountains.

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